Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy

But some might say, where was Tess's guardian Angel? Where was the providence of her simple faith? Perhaps... he was talking, or he was pursuing, or he was in a journey, or he was sleeping and not to be awaked... As Tess's own people down in those retreats are never tired of saying among each other in their fatalistic way: 'It was to be.'

He did not mention it because he was afraid of endangering his chance of her - the great prize of his life.

O, you have torn my life all to pieces, made me be what I prayed you in pity not to make me be again!

How can I pray for you, when I am forbidden to believe that the great Power who moves the world would alter his plans on my account?

My life looks as if it had been wasted for want of chances!

You are very good. But it strikes me that there is a want of harmony between your present mood of self-sacrifice and your past mood of self-preservation.

She would have laid down her life for thee.

You, and those like you, take your fill of pleasure on earth by making the life of such as me bitter and black with sorrow; and then it is a fine thing, when you have had enough of that, to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted!

Rays from the sunrise drew forth the buds and stretched them into long stalks, lifted up sap in noiseless streams, opened petals, and sucked out scents in invisible jets and breathings.

O why have you treated me so monstrously, Angel ! I do not deserve it. I have thought it all over carefully, and I can never, never forgive you! You know that I did not intend to wrong you - why have you so wronged me? You are cruel, cruel indeed! I will try to forget you. It is all injustice I have received at your hands!

The two speechless gazers bent themselves down to the earth, as if in prayer, and remained there a long time, absolutely motionless: the flag continued to wave silently. As soon as they had strength they arose, joined hands again, and went on.

Too late, too late.


And the d'Urberville knights and dames slept on in their tombs unknowing.

Andrew Quotes

S: Are you following me?
A: I'll follow you anywhere.

"And you know how..."

S: You're about to push me over the edge.
A: It's okay, you have wings.

S: Don't ever leave me.
A: You can't get rid of me, sunshine. You've tried.

"When I first herd the idea I thought it udderly ridiculous, but the moo I thought about it, the the moo I decided to say hay! Let's milk it for all it's worth."

S: Everyone has their own trip.
A: That doesn't mean you have to go along for the ride.


"I love your Dad."

"You were right. We would've died if I'd driven up to the Gap."

"I held it - we didn't die."

"You have to account for the ignorance of people."

"Brian, when I own my island..."

"Please continue what you were saying before your better sense so rudely interrupted."

"Some people don't like how modern technology allows you to be contacted at all times. So, they don't have a cell phone. Us, we don't have a doorbell."

S: You're driving me crazy.
A: Crazy like a wombat.
S: Who are you calling a wombat?
A: Oh, I think we both know who's the wombat in this house.

A: I bet a wombat could kick a squirrel's ass.
S: I bet no one in the history of man has said that sentence.
A: That's why I'm a literary genius.

S: I don't know how you save a girl like me.
A: I'm working on it.

S: They're driving me to drink.
A: I know sunshine, and they don't even have their licenses yet.

"Did you know that butterflies have dust on their wings?"

"Soon, you're going to have to admit you're running out of ammunition, sunshine."

"When I was young, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Since then, they have proved me wrong."

"Goddamn aphids."

"Let me tell you something, any creature that's an enemy of my wife's rose bushes is an enemy of mine."

"To get a man to admit he's wrong, you have to convince him he has had a better idea."

S: Nothing I give is ever enough.
A: That's because I love everything about you so much. I could never get enough.

"When men act that way with you, it's more of a reflection on them than it is on you."

"It does no good to second guess a Suzie. You can only chase a Suzie."

"Some people call it chaos, some people call it pandemonium, I call it the nursery."

"That's it, that's the park!"

A: We're soulmates.
S: Yeah, but do you...
A: Two halves of the same walnut.

S: I wanna drive you crazy. Will you forgive me that?
A: I always forgive you, sunshine.
S: Have I that many sins?
A: It's your virtues that drive me crazy.

"I wish I knew more about small furry animals. Like I wish I knew if it was a badger, a groundhog, or a rabbit. Well, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a rabbit."

"If your goal is something you can win, you have the wrong goal."

S: What is ___'s purpose? He must have a purpose.
A: There is a purpose for every tool.

S: I'm lost.
A: Then I'm lost, too, until they find us.

A: The monkeys in my heart are rattling their cage.

A: Let the riff-raff sort themselves out, the bodies will be gone by morning.

S: Why does my head still hurt?
A: I've only been making singles.
S: Ah, so the pain is still coming through.

His Writings, Letters, Poems:

Whatever prices we pay: must they not be worth it? Is there anything too steep for this?

How many memories, now that you've fought and struggled to gain them, would you trade away?

I would not trade one of my barbs for someone else's rainbow.

Words, oh, words were never enough....

I cannot imagine raising a child with anyone else.

Have I told you how much I love my wedding ring? It's like in Genesis when suddenly the realization of nakedness came, all this time my finger has been bare, and now it knows what it means to be covered.

Each step falls with a muted grind, a steady metronome counting in an orchestra that will never play.

You can make anyone realize how foolish they were thinking poorly of something or someone, and make them delight in that which they once were saddened by.

This is who man imagined when he wrote of the water nymph.

Even the meekest soul can only hold a coward's pose for so long.

I walk forward upon the gritty earth. I leave no footprints. But there is nothing that has been left anywhere here. There is only now.

If nothing else I have something to walk towards. Something to ensure I am walking continually in the same direction, instead of wandering in circles.

I love the beauty you find. That's something I've always been in awe of you, is your eye for beauty. You find it everywhere. Sometimes when you point it out I feel like I've had my eyes always closed, like everyone has their eyes closed, and Suzy is going round opening our eyes one by one... first the left and then the right, and showing us how beautiful the world is....

Regardless of whether I knew so or not, this is what I have been searching for. That may be the definition of fate.

I don't like him standing there. Though I've no reason to believe he means me harm, this strange journey has imparted a need to be able to access doorways which I may retain for the rest of my life.

For a moment I fear my resolve will be stolen as well, but it remains.

My next step finds nothing, and I falter back to the security of the ledge. A silent prayer passes through my lips, my eyes close, and I push forward into the water, diving head first towards the center. Towards the bottom.

Suddenly I understand. She had said, "A cranberry and vodka is all it takes to get rid of my problems. Only thing is, in the morning I wake up with brand new ones."

It's funny the people that get to see God. Some people can spend their whole lives in deep meditation for that one instant when bam! They've hit a transcendental peak. Others are just going about their daily life, when some jerk runs a red light. Bam! Next thing they know they're headed towards the bright lights. Whether it's trauma or drugs or deep prayer, only a handful will ever make it.

This book to save the world, I've written to save myself.